How to Find Administrator Password Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

To find the administrator password in Windows 10 using Command Prompt, open the Command Prompt as an administrator and type “net user” to see a list of user accounts, then use the “net user [username] *” command to reset the password. Windows 10 offers various methods to recover or find an administrator password.

Whether you forgot the password or simply need to access an administrator account, utilizing Command Prompt can be a quick and effective solution. Command Prompt provides a direct route to view and manage user accounts, allowing you to reset a forgotten password.

By following these steps, you can regain access to your Windows 10 administrator account without the need for third-party software or complicated procedures. We will explore how to find the administrator password in Windows 10 using Command Prompt.

How to Find Administrator Password Windows 10 Using Command Prompt


3. Common Methods For Finding Administrator Password

Common methods to find administrator password in Windows 10:

  • Using Command Prompt: Open cmd and enter specific command.
  • Password Reset Disk: Prepare a disk in advance and use it.
  • Third-Party Software: Utilize external software tools for assistance.
How to Find Administrator Password Windows 10 Using Command Prompt


How to Find Administrator Password Windows 10 Using Command Prompt


Frequently Asked Questions For How To Find Administrator Password Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

How Do I Find The Administrator Password In Windows 10?

To find the Administrator password in Windows 10 using Command Prompt, you can use the “net user” command to view or reset the password. However, it’s important to ensure you have the necessary permissions to execute these actions.

Can I Reset The Administrator Password Using Command Prompt?

Yes, you can reset the Administrator password in Windows 10 using Command Prompt. By running the “net user” command with appropriate parameters, you can change the Administrator’s password to regain access to the account.

What Precautions Should I Take Before Resetting The Password?

Before resetting the Administrator password using Command Prompt, ensure you have the necessary authority to execute such changes. It’s also crucial to have authorization from the system owner or IT department to avoid any legal or security implications. Always proceed with caution and proper authorization.

Is It Legal To Reset The Administrator Password Using Command Prompt?

Resetting the Administrator password using Command Prompt on a personal computer is legal if you are the owner and have authorized access to the system. However, it’s essential to adhere to the legal guidelines and ensure that you have the necessary permissions if working on a shared or organizational computer.


To recap, using the Command Prompt is a simple and effective method to find the administrator password in Windows 10. By following the steps outlined you can regain access to your computer’s administrator account and carry out necessary tasks.

Remember to exercise caution when making changes, as altering system settings without proper knowledge may lead to unintended consequences. With this knowledge, you can confidently troubleshoot and manage your Windows 10 system.